That same evening Luke has had a very strange, unexpected visitor. The Lavigne household has had two very expected and welcomed visitors. Scott and Krystal currently have their grandsons over for the day so Laura could make plans to go talk to Luke. Scott sits with Phoenix in his lap while the two watch a little bit of TV in the living room as the evening begins to wind down and they wait for Laura to come pick up the boys. Krystal is with Phineas making sure he is bathed and into his pajamas.
"Papa?", Phoenix asks. "Do you like to wash cartoons?"
"Of course, cartoons are fun to watch.", Scott replies.
"I miss washing cartoons wif Daddy. He likes washing too." Phoenix tells his grandfather.
"I know you do." Scott replies feeling sad that his very young grandson is beginning to be very affected by the current situation.
While the two of them are talking Krystal comes into the room looking for Phoenix who is next in line for a bath and pajama change before mom gets here.
"Does my Daddy have a new family? Is that why he doesn't wash cartoons wif me?", Phoenix asks his grandfather.
Scott stutters for a moment as he looks over at Krystal. "Um..."
Krystal immediately takes a seat on the couch. "No pumpkin! Why on earth would you think that?"
"Phoenix turns to look at his grandmother. "Dat's what my teacher said..."
Krystal gasps in horror, "What?! She said that to you?"
"No", Phoenix shakes his head. "I heard Miss Ruth talking to Zach's mom. She said my Daddy left because he have another family and that she saw him on TV."
"Phoenix, I want you to understand that your Daddy definitely does not have another family. What you heard them saying is not true, okay?" Krystal says hoping to reassure her grandson, even though she knows things will never be the same between Luke and Laura again.
"Okay.", Phoenix mumbles not sure what to believe things have been very confusing at home lately.
"In fact your mom is talking to your Daddy right now. I'm sure of it. He has just been very, very busy. He misses you and your brother a lot." Krystal adds hoping to get through to him.
"She is?", Phoenix asks with some curiosity.
"Yes", Krystal nods. "Now time to get ready for bed for when your mother gets here pumpkin."
"No I'm washing cartoons.", Phoenix immediately replies he definitely inherited Luke's stubbornness, turning his head to look back at the TV.
"Phoenix it's better if we do it now that way you don't have to when you get home.", Krystal explains to him.
"How about a few more minutes?" Scott suggests knowing Krystal can be stubborn too. "It's been a long day."
"Okay...A few more minutes.", Krystal agrees.
As it gets later into the evening Krystal decides to put the boys down to bed while they wait on Laura. Scott is still sitting in his chair when she comes into the living room a cup of evening tea in her hand. "Have you heard from Laura?" she asks him as she takes a seat on the couch.
"No", replies Scott. "But I'm sure she is there right now, hopefully they work things out."
"Do you really think that is best?", Krystal asks him. Unsure if it really is best for her daughter to try and mend things with Luke again after the last time Rufus came between them. This time things have gotten even more out of control.
"What do you mean? He's the father of her children Krystal. Of course they need to try and work things out.", Scott says a bit shocked, but he knows that Krystal has always had reasons not to like Luke very much. Granted those reason have been good reasons too.
"Honey...He's now a criminal facing jail time for shooting a police detective!", she blurts out between sips. "I know they love each other, but Luke just has too much baggage. The boys don't need to be around that."
The boys are young and Luke has good lawyers working his case. I'm sure things will work out. Let's not jump to conclusions so early on. I know he is not the guy you thought Laura would marry. No one saw that coming, but look at us! You pretty much left Justin standing at the alter for me. You can't sit here and say that our life hasn't had its share of drama either. Things will blow over just give it some time."
Krystal scoffs a bit, "Blow over?! Scott...Really? Luke will most likely have to go to prison. How do you think that will work out then? And you know our situation was nothing like this!"
"Okay, okay...You're right there is a chance that could all happen, but we'll figure that out when we get there." Scott agrees understanding why she is worried. "Right now I think the best thing to do is just be there for our daughter and grandchildren. No matter what."
Krystal sighs, "Mm, I know. I'm trying. I just wish my baby girl wasn't going through all this right now. How can they ever have any peace in. their relationship with this Rufus woman constantly meddling?!"
"I know. I think about that too, Darlin'...", Scott replies somberly feeling the same sentiment. "But right now we got to stay strong and support her. If Laura still has faith in Luke and their relationship, then I do too. I trust her judgement. You should too."
Krystal nods, "Okay I will keep my mouth shut for now, but if he does anything else that is it for me..." she spits out motioning her hand like she that is the cut off for her and there is no going back after that. "Just make sure you have Mark on speed dial so we can get divorce papers drawn up immediately if necessary."
"Don't worry if it comes to that I'll take care of it." Scott forces a smile as he looks over at Krystal. He knows how protective she is of their daughter's happiness, but sometimes Krystal can be a little much not realizing she needs to dial it back a little. Right now they need to be patient and see what the courts decide. Scott perks up and changes the subject,"You know there was a time when I remember how much your mother despised me. Remember? Not only because I was considerably older, but what she really wanted was for you to marry into the Trudeau family." Scott reminds her.
Krystal gets up off the couch and sits on Scotts lap. He is right things were tense between the families after Krystal ran off with Scott, leaving the entire Trudeau family hanging. But she was terribly in love and Scott was the man she truly wanted to spend the rest of her life with. "Mm I do...And I don't regret one second of any of it. I'm glad I chose you. I love you more than anything."
Scott smiles up at her, "I love you too Darlin' You made the me the happiest man on earth...See? Now you know how Laura feels." Reminding her of how much Laura and Luke love each other.
"You're right I do.", Krystal says as her hand reaches up and traces her husband's stubbly jawline. Love is an all too powerful emotion and something that is drives us in life.
"If I recall properly too, the newspapers had all their gossip columns talking about you leaving Justin. It was a big deal darlin'. Especially after Erica put that big wedding announcement in several newspapers then you went and ruined all her extravagant plans by choosing me."
Krystal cringes a little embarrassed she put Erica through all of that, "I did, didn't I?". Scott nods with a smile. "I think I still have some of the newspaper clippings saved somewhere...Oh Erica was so mad about that one!" Scott smiles again as they take a trip down memory lane. "You know I don't blame her anymore. I understand now." Krystal says with clarity now looking back on it. They do say hindsight is 20/20.
Scott smiles, "I know...So mad that she nearly disowned Benjamin for wanting to marry Michelle."
Krystal nods in agreement. Then out of the blue the doorbell chimes, "Oh that must be Laura! I hope she has good news to tell us.", Krystal says as she climbs off of Scotts lap.
Meanwhile...Back in the motel room with Luke.
Lucien snaps his fingers one last time and suddenly Luke finds himself back in his motel room with a beer in hand and someone pounding on his door. Luke immediately realizes he has been here in this moment before as he stumbles to get his bearings feeling like he is physically affected by that weird dream he just had or was it a dream? Luke looks around the room as he notices he is alone. Where is Rufus? Did he dream that too?
Luke blinks in disbelief as his head whips around to look at the door. "Who is it?", he asks as he continues to sober up. The voice on the other side of the door softly replies. "It's me", and Luke instantly knows who it is. No?! It can't be. He sent her away hours ago...He stands there frozen as he stares at the door. This isn't Deja Vu this is real! And that dream wasn't a dream at all! This is the point in time that Lucien was talking about.
Luke still a bit hesitant, replies back again, "Who?!"
"Me.", Laura replies. "Your wife. We need to talk!" She shouts through the door.
Luke steps forward opens the door and quickly pulls her insides, "How did you get here?" He asks her confused by the whole situation, knowing he already saw Laura hours ago.
"What do you mean?", she asks confused by his question. "I drove here because we need to talk face to face.", she snaps at him. "The boys are with my parents."
"Yeah. I know...I mean...never mind.", Luke mumbles a flood of emotions hitting him as he now realizes why she is here. Recalling what Lucien showed him and explained to him.
"You know?!", Laura snaps in frustration. Her emotions are high too. "Then why do you avoid all my calls and texts? Luke the boys miss you terribly! They don't understand what is happening, and I don't know what to tell them anymore!" Laura's voice cracks, hitting her breaking point as tears begin to flood her vision.
Seeing her break hits him hard remembering how he saw his older self talk to Laura at their son's funeral. He wanted to go after her, but Lucien stopped him not allowing it. Luke steps forward and pulls her closer he is not gonna make that mistake this time. "I'm sorry!...I fucked up baby. I really fucked up!" His face straining to hold back his own emotions, feeling like a damn is about to break.
The subtle panic and pain in his voice makes her scared, "Luke?" she mumbles still trying to find the strength to tell him she is pregnant. "There is something I need to tell you. I'm..." she pauses.
"You're pregnant."Luke blurts outs finishing the sentence for her.
Laura gasps in shock, as a few more tears roll down her face. Her emotions have been way more out of whack now that she is pregnant, "How did you know?"
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you...", he mumbles shaking his head in his own disbelief a little. He realizes that if he tells her the truth of what just happened to him tonight she is gonna think he has completely lost it.
"Luke you have to try...", she urges him. "Was it Rufus? Did she somehow find out I was pregnant?"
"No.", Luke quickly replies not wanting to talk about Rufus and what lies ahead for them as a blended family. Luke walks her back towards the bed and kneels down in front of her. "You're right though we need to talk." he says to her his voice a little more serious as he looks up at her. Even though things are a mess right now, she looks beautiful. Her skin is glowing, her hair is radiant, and he loves this messy grunge look she's got going on.
"What is it?" She says with sincerity as her hands instinctively move to touch him resting on his forearms. She is worried he has more bad news to tell her. Luke still to this day has not been fully honest with her after all that has happened since that fateful day in the record shop.
Luke suddenly wraps his arms tightly around her waist as he dips his head into her lap. "I'm an asshole baby...I'm so fucking sorry I've shut you out. You've stood by me after all these years, after all the shit I have fucking put you through, and you're still here. You're still fighting for us to be a family. I'm sorry Laura.", Luke begs his head resting on her lap as he feels the weight of everything hit him again. Recalling the horrors that Lucien showed him would happen if he does not change his course of action right here right now."I don't wanna lose you baby...I can't! I need you! I need us!" His voice cracks.
Laura sits there speechless for a moment, her hand softly combing through his hair like she is gently petting him. Luke is clearly visibly and audibly very upset. He is usually not one to cry when his emotions are high it's quite the opposite actually, using anger to mask his frustrations. Laura lifts his head off her lap, her right hand reaching out, and swiping a single tear off his cheek with her thumb. Her hand finally resting at the nape of his neck. "I don't want to lose you either." she sweetly, yet painfully says to him. "But I...I don't know if I can go through this again with you. So many broken promises Luke." The two of them have been down this road before. Laura cannot just easily forgive and forget.

"I know, but I understand now baby...I understand what I have to do now to keep us together. To keep our family together." Luke dips his head towards her belly again wrapping his arms tightly around her as he recalls those moments he watched his older self argue with Laura in the park. Learning how Laura miscarries this pregnancy because of all the stress she dealt with, "I have to protect this life inside you. Protect all of them..." his voice cracks again in terror. "I don't want to become like my father." He mumbles.
"Luke you are nothing like your father.", Laura says to him trying to reassure his confidence. She has never seen him so broken before, but things have never been as bad as they are now. Luke always found a way out in the past, but this time he is rambling like a madman. Laura is not sure what to say. "You're a good man, it is one of the reasons I love you so much."
"But I won't be if I don't fix things between us right now!", he says matter of factly, with genuine fear in his voice believing every word of what he just said. "I don't want the pain and heartache I saw coming. I love you too damn much to put you through that, but I've been too much of an asshole lately to see any of it." He says still clutching her tightly like this too is all a dream and he might wake up.
"Luke...It's gonna be okay we will figure it all out as long as you let me help.", She says to him, holding him in her arms.
Luke sits back up to look at her and shakes his head, "'s not." feeling more of the these uncontrollable emotions hit him like a ton of bricks. "Just promise me you won't give up on me! On us...I promise to make it right this time. Just don't give up on me." He says to her with panic and pain in his voice like he has already experienced it.
"You're worrying me what's going on? Did something happen that I don't know?" She asks him. Her eyes search his face as they hold each other tightly trying to understand what he is talking about. Luke is clinging onto her for dear life like she is about to disappear right in front of him. "Are you high? Is that what's going on? Please Luke just be honest with me. I won't get mad." She asks him thinking that is the only plausible answer for his out of place paranoia.
"No, babe....I...I.", Luke stutters trying to find the words to explain to her what he experienced. He doesn't know how to tell her. "I just had this really weird dream about us and about the boys. It felt so fucking real. It's fucking messing with my head." He says hoping she believes him. "That's how I guessed you're pregnant.", he adds. "It was in my dream."
"Oh...", she says softly understanding where he is coming from now. "You know I had a really weird dream about you too awhile back. You were rambling about a baby inside me.", she admits to him remembering how real that dream felt. "It was intense."
"Really?!", Luke says with sudden surprise and enthusiasm. His hand reaches up and pushes some of her hair back. "You wanna tell me more about it?"
Laura blushes bright red with embarrassment recalling the dream and how it made her feel in that moment missing him, missing his touch, his closeness. Now in this moment she is finally close to him feeling his warmth, taking in his familiar scent, making all those feelings from the dream come rushing back. "I...uh." Laura pauses. "I was...Um, you were." She pauses again too hesitant to tell him about the steamy, yet weird dream she had.
Luke can see the embarrassment in her flush-red cheeks, "Were we fucking?" his voice rasps out with curiosity as his eyes darken with that sexy sultry smirk on his face. Luke does not even realize how much that makes Laura swoon.
Laura's eyes go wide as she looks at Luke, instantly sending a jolt of that electric buzz down low in her belly. She has never had any control over how this man awakens her senses. Even her dreams of him are powerful. All she can do is nod yes as she feels their bodies gravitate closer. The air is a buzz between them. She knows he can feel it too. "I've missed you so much." she whispers. "That dream made me miss you so much, that I have to wear your dirty flannel just to feel you close to me."
"I've missed you too babe. I'm sorry for fucking shit up royally this time. I swear on my grandmother's grave it will never happen again. I'm gonna fight for what's right in my life, and that is you, the boys, and this baby." Luke tells her reaching up and softly kissing her. "I love you to fucking much to let fate tear us apart."
Laura does not stop him at one little kiss as her hands reach out to frame his face. One thing is for sure these two have never been able to resist the magnetic energy between them. "Don't stop...", she mutters kissing him back.
The two robotically get sucked into the moment with each other, the familiarity of one another's touch feeling like second nature to them. Luke stands pulling Laura up with him and tossing her back onto the bed. Reminding Laura of her dream and the very strong emotions that it invoked in her.
Laura reaches up her fingers twisting into his hair at the base of his neck. Luke leans in his mouth colliding with Laura's. It's been over a month since that fateful day in the kitchen. It was the last time they had any physical intimacy together. So naturally the two quickly get lost in the moment because their relationship was always a passionate one from the start.
Then suddenly Laura remembers that fateful day in the kitchen, "Stop.", she says firmly remembering the last time they let their emotions control the conversation she ended up pregnant. "I think we really need to talk Luke. We can't just expect sex will make things better this time. Too much has happened."
"I know." Luke sighs looking down at her. "You're right we need to talk."
"I have a doctor appointment soon, and I was hoping you would come with me." she adds in quickly.
Luke nods, "Okay...You gonna tell me about this wet dream you had?" He asks still curious about why this dream made her blush so hard, not wanting to quite face reality just yet, and the problems they need to overcome.
"You really wanna know?", she says with some hesitation in her voice. Luke nods. "Okay, but you have to tell me about yours too."
"Fair enough.", says Luke as he props his head in his hand so he can look down at Laura.
"I had the dream after that night we talked on the phone before everything happened with Hayden and your dad. I was sitting in the bed and then suddenly you were there next to me telling me you regret keeping it all from me." she says to him as she tries to recall the dream as best she can.
Then somehow the scene changed and we were laying in the bed. I was on top sitting on your lap and you kept talking about us and how you left a part of you inside me. That I should be able to feel it.
"Damn babe...", Luke blurts, not realizing just how steamy this dream was.
"That's not all. I remember finding it weird that you kept saying cryptic messages, while we were trying to have sex. I kept getting upset because you kept talking. You never talk that way in the moment." She adds knowing that part of her dream made her take notice that maybe this dream was more important than she realized.
"Then towards the end of the dream. You literally say to me that you know that I'm pregnant, and that this baby is the one chance to save us. In the dream I am skeptical that any of that is true. I don't even feel sure that I really am pregnant, but you keep begging me to try as we are lying there in bed."
"So I'm saying all these things to you while we're fucking?", he asks still curious about the steamy parts, but intrigued by the fact that Laura had this powerful dream. Now he wonders if Lucien was somehow involved with this.
"Yes." Laura admits. "Like I said it was a really weird dream. It felt so real and I mean everything felt real.", she adds recalling how she felt like she was about to orgasm in her sleep. "At the same time though it was very unsettling and felt like a warning."
"Shit. So the whole dream was just you and me? No one else was there?", he asks with curiosity wondering if Laura has seen Lucien too.
"No one.", Laura shakes her head. "It was just you and me. Now you tell me about your dream.", she says to him still curious about his as well.
Luke rolls onto his back and looks up at the ceiling, "Well mine wasn't as fucking sexy as yours, but it felt real, way too fucking real." he says trying to walk this fine line of reality and dreamworld so he can tell her what happened to him, and why they are lying here now finally talking, finally trying to work things out.
Luke continues, "My dream was basically like a look into the future. The boys were young men, you and I were divorced, and you were fucking married to Chad." Luke says with a bitter taste in his mouth.
Laura kinda giggles at the thought then stops herself. "What, really?"
"Really...", says Luke not liking the idea at all. "You also had a daughter with him."
Laura can tell he is upset already just telling her these few details. "Okay so where were you?"
"I lived in Vegas with my dad and my brother. I left after I served prison time for shooting Hayden. So the boys grew up without me." He tells her pausing for a moment. "But I come back to try and help you and Chad with Phoenix because he is out of control."
"Wow this dream is really detailed.", Laura observes.
Luke still cannot turn to look at her as he recalls the scene in the park and accident with Phoenix and Phineas on the bike. "It gets worse...", he warns her.
"It was like watching a fucking movie of myself." he explains to her trying to paint the scene for her. "There was this one part where we secretly meet up in the park to talk about Phoenix. You didn't want Chad to know where you were. That's where we argue about the past and about the pregnancy. Which doesn't happen you lose the baby, I go to jail, and we get divorced."
"Luke it's all just a dream.", she says to him it doesn't mean any of that will ever happen. Me? Marrying Chad?...Um, no. No thank you." she says to him. Luke finally turns his head to meet her gaze. "I love you no matter what I will always love you."
"I love you too.", Luke says to her. "But what if it isn't enough? What if I have to serve time? The record shop will fail, our family will be broken babe." The worry in his voice is evident. Whatever happened in this dream definitely shook him to his core.
Laura turns her body to face him, "After everything else we've been through we are still here." She reminds him. "I know you're innocent Luke something is not right about any of this. The only way to fight this is together. Together as a family we will get through this."
"I talked to my sister earlier today. She said talking to the D.A. will be your best option whatever you can give them will help your case." She informs him.
Luke sighs, "That's what worries me...If I say anything at all you, me, and the boys will have targets on our backs. This is what I'm trying to protect you from."
"And how do you know things are not already like that?", she asks him.
"I don't.", he admits to her. "So I feel fucked no matter what I do. This is why I thought it would be better for you and the boys to keep your distance."
"You have to at least let us try together. The boys miss you especially Phoenix. If not for me then do it for them. We have...", Laura suddenly stops talking then pops up feeling a hit of nausea to her stomach her hand instinctively covering her mouth.
Luke follows sitting up next to her in the bed, "What? What is it?" he says with panic.
"I don't feel so good.", Laura says getting up to rush to the bathroom. Immediately Luke can hear her vomiting into the toilet. He worries that maybe this pregnancy is not meant to be. Laura was never so sick like this before.
Luke gets up to follow her, "Laura?...Maybe we should take you to the emergency?", He says worried, as he walks towards the bathroom already finding her washing her hands and face at the sink.
"This bathroom is disgusting...", She mumbles clearly still feeling ill as she swishes water in her mouth serval times and spits it out.
"Maybe we should see a doctor right now." he says standing there in the doorway watching her closely. "Did you hear what I said babe?", he asks her.
"I'm fine.", Laura says to him as she shuts off the water and walks over to him. "It's just an upset stomach...Luke I'm pregnant. This stuff happens."
"It's just you never got that sick before.", he says a little panicked worried that fate might decided the outcome of the their lives for them no matter what he chooses.
"Yes I was.", she reminds him. "Luke have you forgotten how I almost went into early labor with Phoenix? These first 3 months are never easy."
"No...I know. I'm just worried about you babe. I want this baby.", he says to her.
"I do too, but I'll be fine.", she reassures him. "I need to go get the boys they're still at my parents house. Will you come with me?", she asks him.
Luke pauses for a moment, "Uhhh...right now?"
"Yes right now. We can tell them I'm pregnant. Please Luke come home. There is no reason for you to stay in this dingy, disgusting motel anymore."
Luke agrees to go with her seeing the boys is something he really wants to be able to do especially after having the future shown to him and what could possibly happen. So he packs up his bags gets on his bike and follows Laura to her parent's house.
Krystal is utterly surprised when she sees Luke follow Laura into the house. "Luke?! It's so good to see you. How are you holding up?" she asks trying to remember her southern manners suddenly feeling bad that she pushed Scott earlier about drafting up divorce papers.
Luke sorta smiles and nods, "Hanging in there, I guess."
Scott gets up off his chair and offers to go wake up the boys, "I'll get the kiddos...boy they're gonna be so happy to see you two."
"Daddy wait!", Laura blurts quickly. "Luke and I have something we need to tell you first." Her tone is serious, so naturally her parents immediately assume the worst.
"Oh, okay...", Krystal replies with a bit of a worried tone to her voice. She leans against the edge of the couch bracing herself for the worst.
Scott stands there stiff worried too that things did not work out for them after all, but they look happy and still worried at the same time. "Is everything okay?" he hesitantly asks.
Laura turns her head to look up at Luke and he wraps his arm around her pulling her against him. "Luke and I are pregnant again.", she says watching his face while she talks. She can see he is truly happy about it.
"Oh!", Krystal gasps. "Oh, wow! Oh my goodness I did not see that one coming." Krystal says totally floored by this news.
"You're pregnant?", Scott repeats just as shocked as Krystal is. It does not seem like the best time to be planning to extend the family. "You're sure of it?"
"Yes, I am definitely pregnant.", Laura replies. "I have a doctor appointment next week, and before you ask, no we did not plan this. A baby right now is the last thing on our minds."
"Congratulations Luke...", Scott says to him extending out his hand. "Sounds like you got something worth fighting for now."
Luke nods in agreement, "Yeah...but either way I think I'm ready to face this fight head on now." Luke admits to his father in law knowing he cannot be a coward anymore while he sits and waits for a verdict.
"Good. I'm glad.", Scott says to him. "And let me know if you need any additional legal support. I got connections around town too."
"So is this why you needed us to watch the boys?", Krystal puts two and two together realizing now that is why Laura needed them to watch the boys so last minute.
"Of course...I just found out yesterday evening. I was freaking out mom. So today I was able to call the doctor and they squeezed me in."
"Well, no matter what happens sweetheart your father and I are here for you.", Krystal tells her as she stands up and wraps an arm around her daughter. "I don't want you to forget that. A baby now on top of all of this other drama is gonna be a lot."
"I know. Which is why I wanted to tell you now instead of waiting.", Laura admits to her mother. "I think I'm gonna need all the help I can get this time around."
Krystal nods, "Yes of course. How about we go wake up the boys so they can see their father?" Krystal feels a little sore now having judged Luke so quickly. If she were in his shoes she is not so sure now how she would handle it either.
The Run Down...
Luke, Laura, and their two boys eventually head home after spending a little while longer at the Lavigne household. Naturally the four of them are over the moon to be a family again all in one house. The only ground rule Laura decides to lay out for Luke is that he agrees to go to couple's therapy again. Luke immediately agrees to her terms without a fight knowing it is gonna take some time for things to get solid again between them.
The very next Monday Luke has meetings with his group of lawyers who tell him some astonishing news. The CSI unit realized that the ballistics tests had errors, and after running it all again they found out that the gun Luke was holding was not the one that shot Hayden. Naturally this is very good news, but this also means that Luke has to come forward about what really happened that day. Not shooting Hayden means he cannot be charged if he can corroborate with the police. They suspect a third person was in the room after further gathering more evidence, but they would like someone to come forward with more answers.
Luke and the lawyers that Rufus has paid a pretty penny for draft up a plausible story for the D.A. which means Luke finally has to admit that his father was there. Luke tells them that his father came looking for a man who stole money from Margot's Casino, that he didn't know who the man was, but apparently David's MC had been tracking his whereabouts. A week before Hayden was shot Luke tells them he had some issues with someone breaking into the shop, as well as tampering with the security system, but he didn't report it since they never stole anything.
Luke goes on to explain that Peter was there that day helping him repair some of the damage, which is why the cameras were not rolling at that time since the pair were in the process of working on it. Luke adds to the story that he also decided to get a gun because naturally he has to explain how he ended up with one in his hand when Hayden found them. Of course he has to admit it was not acquired by legal means, but the police let it slide in favor of getting the bottom of this investigation.
When Hayden shows up on the scene Luke and Peter were already on edge after getting a surprise visit from his Father, who was still in the room when Hayden came storming in. Luke claims David was demanding that he tell him where this Bobby guy was. He tells the D.A. he had a guy come around looking for work, but that Luke didn't hire him. Luckily for Luke he never processed the paperwork it was shredded and disposed of the night before.
Which leads him to the moment when Hayden was shot. Luke and Peter corroborate that David was the one who shot Hayden and after ballistics did their intense review of the evidence they found that neither the gun Luke was holding shot Hayden nor was the trajectory of the bullet in the right direction of Hayden's gunshot wound. Completely exonerating Luke of being guilty of attempted murder.
Satisfied with the outcome the D.A. drops the charges against Luke, since him and Peter were cooperative in giving information and put out an arrest warrant for David Cooper instead.
After 5 long months of going back and forth with the lawyers and the D.A. Luke and Laura are finally able to move on and continue to mend their relationship. The pair have been dutifully going to therapy twice a month as they await the birth of newest member of their family who is due in December.
Today Laura sits at her vanity and gets ready for her 6 month check in with the doctor. She is carefully applying makeup when Luke walks in. "Are you ready? It's getting late.", he asks her as he walks into the bedroom. Phoenix and Phineas are spending the day at their grandparents while Luke takes Laura to her appointment.
Laura nods, "Yes, I'm ready." She says as she puts away the make up and looks up at him.
"Are you ready to find out if it's a boy or girl?", he asks her knowing the doctor plans to do a sonogram today.
"I dunno...", Laura replies. "I think I kinda want it to be a surprise this time." She says to him as she gets up and heads towards the door Luke following behind her shutting off the light and closing the door.
"For real? You don't want to know this time?", he asks her again surprised she has come to that conclusion.
Laura stops at the top of the stairs. "Yes. I think I want it to be a surprise. It doesn't matter to me, either way I'm happy if you're happy."
"Uh yeah's fine with me if that's what you want babe. We can wait to find out the sex when the baby is born.", Luke replies.
"Okay...", she smiles up at him. "I'm so glad you're here with me."
"Me too babe...", he says softly dipping his head to kiss her quickly "Now let's go it's late."
The End! For Now...
My Patreon Page has bonus content if you are interested. Paid Patreon Members start at $1 a month. You can also sign up as a free member, which allows you to view posts that are available to everyone. For the future I plan to post news, upcoming projects and episodes on Patreon as I faze out Instagram. I'm sorry to say but I just don't find IG artist friendly anymore. I think eventually I will move the entire blog over to Patreon, but this will take time as I have a lot of episodes to go through. So please don't panic as I work through this new change it will definitely be a process and I know it will take me a long while to get through.
Thank you to all my Patreon members you have no idea how much your support means to me!
Robin, Danie, Cathryn, Jackie, JC, Heather, Lily, Jess, Cen, Ellie, Sunshine1609, Brie, Lyddieskitties21, Katharine, and Susie.